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Our Officer Team

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Jason W. Karl, Ph.D.

Range Club Advisor

Jason Karl is te Directr of the U of I rangeland Center, Associate Professor of Rangeland Ecology, and Harold F. and Ruth M. Heady Endowed Chair of Rangeland Ecology. He received his Bachelor's degree in Wildlife Resources at the University of Idaho, Master's degree in Environmental Science at the University of Idaho, and Ph.D in Fisheries and Wildlifewith specialization in Environmental Science and Public Policy, Michigan State University, 2009.

Kayla Hickey-Smith


My name is Kayla Hickey-Smith, and I am the President of the University of Idaho Range Club. I have been involved in the club for the last 3 1/2 years. My favorite experience with the Range Club has been attending SRM as a team and building connections with my peers. I will be participating in the Website Design and Range Cup teams this year at SRM. I am also the SRM Student Conclave President for the 2023-2024 year.


Responsibilities as President:

  • Preside over Range Club activities, events, and bimonthly meetings and have the right to veto any voting ideas. 

  • Coordinate club activities and events in collaboration with the officer team, and coordinate bimonthly officer meetings.

  • Encourage club members to pursue membership in professional associations or societies. 

  • Check the club mailbox. 

Intersted in Connecting to us?

KHickey-Smith RC Wesbite.JPG
TNewey RC Website.JPG

Taylor Newey

Vice President

My name is Taylor Newey, your 2023-2024 Range Club Vice President. I've been involved in Range Club for 3 years now. This year at SRM I'm involved in the Student Conclave and an officer, while also competing in the URME, Extemporaneous Speaking, and the Range Cup.​


Responsibilities as Vice President:

  • Assist the Range Club president, and preside over presidential duties in the absence of the president. 

  • Attend Student Affairs Council (SAC) meetings (CALSAC/CNRSAC), report on Range Club activities and events to the SACs, vote on issues on behalf of Range Club, and relay information and opportunities from the SACs to Range Club. 

  • Explore opportunities for collaboration on fundraisers, professional development events, and social events among clubs with common interests.


Lucas Weber


My name is Lucas Weber and I’m an officer of the University of Idaho Range Club. My role is secretary. I have been involved in the club for 1 years. 


Responsibilities as Secretary:

  • Create and maintain meeting agendas and minutes, and keep records of all important files, and organize shared files in the OneDrive cloud. 

  • Help keep club bulletin boards and display cases updated and develop flyers to promote club activities and events.

  • Announce club activities and events through social media, and post pictures of current happenings to the Range Club social media account. 


Daisy Medina


Hi! My name is Daisy Medina, and I am the treasurer for the Range Club at the University of Idaho. I have been involved in Range Club for two years. My favorite experience with Range Club is a toss up between the pancake feeds and the trip to SRM in Boise, ID. This year I am a part of the website team.


Responsibilities as Treasurer:

  • Keep records of all club money and receipts and authorize checking/savings account and cash transactions in collaboration with the president.

  • Complete all tax reporting requirements and attend ASUI trainings and funding hearings.

  • Inform the officer team of any money requests needed by the club and request funds on behalf of the Range Club (e.g. proposal documents; solicitation letters).

  • Create beginning-of-year budget and end-of-year budget reports. 

Interested in helping fund our club?

Join Our Team!

We are looking for people who are excited about range on the Palouse! We are always accepting new members!

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