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The University of Idaho

Nestled quaintly in the Palouse region of Idaho state, there’s a small town called Moscow. With a population of just under 26,00, the idyllic small town life is exactly how many imagine it to be. A small but bustling downtown, with ice cream shops and an old movie theatre make Moscow the perfect place for a great community. However, the biggest thing in town is the University of Idaho.

The University of Idaho officially opened it’s doors in 1892 and was the sole university in the state until 1963 when Idaho State University was founded. The first graduating class of 1896 consisted of only four graduates: two men and two women. One of the most notable events in the history of the university was when President Theodore Roosevelt visited and gave a speech in front of the school Administration Building in 1911 on a stage made from large bags of wheat. After concluding his speech, he planted a tree on the main lawn of the building that is still there to this day. Another Roosevelt has also visited the University of Idaho- Eleanor Roosevelt in 1938. Unlike President Roosevelt, she gave her speech inside of the Memorial Gym; a staple building on campus used until the opening of the ICCU arena for all school basketball games. The College of Natural Resources was founded with the university in 1889, and is one of the original colleges at the University of Idaho.

The University of Idaho is ranked globally for their programs in Computer Science, Engineering, Environment and Ecology, Geosciences, and Plant and Animal Science. These programs are globally ranked for different reasons, but many are ranked because of the hands-on experiences that are offered around the university. Many well-known companies work with the University of Idaho, and provide many of the students in these programs with internship or career opportunities. Every college at the university has their own community, and these communities work to support each other toward these internship and career opportunities. Outside of the individual colleges, clubs are a main focus of the student body. There is everything from ultimate frisbee to a trivia club, and each of these are inclusive of any student who shows an interest. Clubs bring people of different majors together, which is what helps the community at the University of Idaho thrive. 

Although it is a comparatively small university, the U of I has prioritized both its students and alumni to create an excellent community for everyone who is connected to the university to be involved in. Whether it is the buzz in the air on game days, or coming together when there is heartbreak in the Vandal family. There is a lot to discover at the University of Idaho, but everyone can find their place and be wholly accepted and supported by fellow Vandals.


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