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This is Range Club

This was not the club experience I was expecting.

It has been unfathomably better.

When I joined Range Club 3 ½ years ago, I was not expecting to be thrust into a whirlwind of becoming an officer, rebuilding a club from the ghost of what it once was, and coming out alive on the other side. University of Idaho’s Range Club did not exist after our favorite excuse, the pandemic. But what it once was, was a sight to behold. I worried, and worry still, about living up to the Range Club I knew existed. But I am seeing it happen, and it makes my heart oh so happy.

I want to welcome everyone to not just this website as we embark on a new endeavor to achieve our goals, but also to Range Club. Because whether or not you know it, just by reading this you are taking a part of Range Club into your heart. I hope everyone who has ever been a part of Range Club or has been impacted by it, continues to remember it as the phenomenal organization that it is, and once was.

Please join me, and my fellow Range Club members, as we start this new journey toward bettering ourselves and our organization.


Kayla Hickey-Smith

Range Club 2023-2024 President


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